We provide resources to educate, encourage, and equip individuals, families, and organizations to apply a Biblical worldview to all aspects of life. In doing so, the Palatine Institute seeks to “repair the ruins” of our civilization from the roots up—helping families display the Glory of God first at home and then to the entire world.
This means we are a deeply Conservative organization, but what do we mean by that? What exactly are we building and conserving?
The Church as it relates to its teaching authority, worship, culture making, and its pastors’ role as public theologians.
The Family as it relates to culture making, parenting, wealth-building, generational care and education.
The School as it relates to educational philosophy, its place in society and independence from Federal and State control.
The Republic as it relates to its limits, particularly the Federal government, and our need for virtuous citizens and statesmen.
The Natural World as it relates to stewardship and care and the development of a love for local places.
It is essential to relate the basic concepts of “biblical theology” to our worldview—or rather to understand these basic concepts as constituting a worldview. In a certain sense the plea being made here for a biblical worldview is simply an appeal to the believer to take the Bible and its teaching seriously for the totality of our civilization right now and not to relegate it to some optional area called ‘religion.
Albert M. Wolters
There’s not a square inch in the whole domain of human existence over which Christ, who is Lord over all, does not exclaim, ‘Mine’!
Abraham Kuyper
To speak the truth, even if few are listening, can achieve much. It preserves the truth and the spirit of the people for a coming generation.
Michael O'Brien
Island of the World
Unless we reestablish faithful Christian Culture in countless homes, we will never reestablish it anywhere else.
Douglas Wilson
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A Cord of Three Strands
A Cord of Three Strands is the Palatine Institute’s podcast about creating Christian culture. Extending our reach to communities across the world, the show focuses on the three foundational strands that make a flourishing Christian culture; the Church, the family, and education.
Tune in to A Cord of Three Strands wherever you listen to podcasts.